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Advanced Quantum Algorithms Lecture by Giulia Ferrini, Anton Frisk Kockum, Laura García-Álvarez, Pontus Vikstål (2020)
1. The basic idea of MBQC
In the circuit model of quantum computation, we prepare
(input) initialize the qubits in the input state.
Quantum bits (qubits) : represent the data.
(computation) Quantum gates on the qubits to manipulate the data.
(output) Measurements on the qubits to read out the result.
It seems logically natural to perform operations in this order, which corresponds to our intuition about how classical computations work. While the basic strategy of Measurement based quantum computation:
Initialize with a large entangled state.
Make single-qubit measurements in suitably chosen bases.
Because of the presence of measurements are done before we reach the output state in MBQC, that computation cannot be reversed. For this reason, Measurement based quantum computation (MBQC) also known as one-way quantum computer).
1.1. Example
Many of the features of one-way quantum computation can be illustrated in a simple two qubit example.
1.1.1. Resource States
Consider the following simple protocol;
A qubit is prepared in an unknown state ∣ψ⟩=α∣0⟩+β∣1⟩.
A second qubit is prepared in the state ∣+⟩=21(∣0⟩+∣1⟩).
Entangling the total state by apply controlled-Z gate (CZ) on the two qubits
1.1.2. Measurements
The next step is to measure the input qubit in some rotated basis.
Measuring in a rotated basis with angles (ϑ,φ) is like measuring Rz(φ+π/2)Rx(ϑ)ZRx(−ϑ)Rz(−φ−π/2).
Here we measure the first qubit with ϑ=π/2 and an arbitrary φ, i.e.,
we measure the observable
the rotated measurement basis ∣φ±⟩=1/2(∣0⟩±eiφ∣1⟩).
conversely ∣φ±⟩=1/2(∣0⟩±eiφ∣1⟩)
and apply into the state to rewrite
the measurement operator σ^φ=∣φ+⟩⟨φ+∣−∣φ−⟩⟨φ−∣ projects the second qubit into:
∣ψ⟩out ∝(α∣+⟩+βe−iφ∣−⟩) if the outcome is 1
∣ψ⟩out ∝(α∣+⟩−βe−iφ∣−⟩) if the outcome is −1
The state of the second qubit can then be compactly written as
∣ψ⟩out =XmHRz(−2φ)∣ψ⟩
∣ψ⟩out ====XmHRz(−2φ)∣ψ⟩XmHRz(−2φ)(α∣0⟩+β∣1⟩)XmH(αeiφ∣0⟩+βe−iφ∣1⟩)Xm(αeiφ∣+⟩+βe−iφ∣−⟩)
where the m corresponding to
∣ψ⟩out ∝(α∣+⟩+βe−iφ∣−⟩) if the outcome is 1(m=0)
∣ψ⟩out ∝(α∣+⟩−βe−iφ∣−⟩) if the outcome −1(m=1)
The extra Pauli operator Xm depends on the outcome of the measurement on qubit 1
1.2. Universal single-qubit operations
For a four qubits system
We can break the pattern of the figure to 3 steps:
first consider qubit 1 and qubit 2 alone ,
then using qubit 2 as input and qubit 3 as output,
finally, using qubit 3 as input and qubit 4 as output
The final output state (qubit 4) then becomes
∣ψ⟩out =Xm3HRz(φ3)Xm2HRz(φ2)Xm1HRz(φ1)∣ψ⟩=HZm3Rz(φ3)HZm2Rz(φ2)HZm1Rz(φ1)∣ψ⟩=HZm3Rz(φ3)(HZm2H)(HRz(φ2)H)Zm1Rz(φ1)∣ψ⟩=HZm3Rz(φ3)Xm2Rx(φ2)Zm1Rz(φ1)∣ψ⟩=Xm3Zm2Xm1HRz((−1)m2φ3)Rx((−1)m1φ2)Rz(φ1)∣ψ⟩
in the first step we used that XmH=HZm,
in the third that HZmH=Xm
and later on that XRz(φ)=Rz(−φ)X
and ZRx(φ)=Rx(−φ)Z.
Due to Euler's rotation theorem any single-qubit SU(2) rotation can be decomposed as a product of three rotations
Thus, by repeating the simple two-qubit protocol three times.
The above steps lets us implement any single-qubit operation
2. Entanglement as a resource for computational power
The entangled states used are called graph states. Given graph